Research driven and farm proven results that offer cost-effective solutions...without compromise.
Focused on complete and balanced nutrition along with natural products as a measure to improve the health and development of animals without the use of anti-biotics or medicines.
Creating solutions that use natural ingredients blended with the right balance of nutrition and organically derived additives.

Natural. Nutrition. Solutions.
Skylar Nutrition is owned and operated in the USA.


Designed to provide a long-lasting burst of natural energy and nutritional support for newborn
pigs or whenever showing signs of weakness at any stage.
Contains a complete source of Fat Soluble Vitamins A,D,E, and K.
Contains organic forms of selenium and choline
Energy source is a proprietary blend of highly absorbed, nutrient rich fats
Contains naturally derived essential oils with antioxidents that aid in building the animals own
immunities, defend against stress, and encourage good gut health.
Great berry and natural herb flavoring for a pleasant taste pigs love.
Packaged in one gallon container or small bottle for easy dosing.
Can be used for pigs at any stage.

The Benefits of Quik-up…

Maximum Rates of Essential Fat Soluble Vitamins and Selenium in each dose
Quik-up is a non-medicated nutrient and energy source that contains a comprehensive blend of critical vitamins and natural supplements to help newborn and weaklings recover quickly .
The carrier is comprised of a proprietary blend of top quality, highly nutritious and easily absorbed fats that move the vitamins rapidly into the blood stream and directly to the liver to be synthesized, providing quick, sustained energy and vibrance